Thursday, February 12, 2009

"I don't suffer for my beauty, I die for it"

The media is the devil! It produces this image of the body that is impsible to obtain without taking drastic mesures to get there. The female body is portreyed as a stick with a well rounded chest and this perfect botom. Many would think that this is stupidity has gone too far. With girls being diagnosed with eating disorders (which cause long term poblems and even death) at young ages. Women have had this set role to be one size but that size is getting smaller and smaller as the years pass, what's next ghosts?!

This horid media trend is reaching into the relm of childhood. Teenage dolls marketed for children, lacy panties and bras for preschoolers... And dare I say Highschool musical. These things are showing a sexuality young girls that they are taking to be the real world. They are trying to become these images that just are not realistic for a young girl. Make-up at age twelve or younger? Really?

The media hates REAL women! We are not all a size zero. We do not all have these perfectly shaped bodies. We are not all perfect and we never said we wanted to be. We do not want these rediculous images forced upon us so just leave us alone!